
Dilworth Paxson Partner Timothy Ford to Speak on Campaign Finance Law

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Dilworth Paxson Partner and Political and Election Law Practice Group Chair Timothy J. Ford will participate in the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Election Law Update 2024, a continuing legal education (CLE) webcast focused on current challenges and opportunities in the lead-up to this year’s general election. Ford served as a course planner and will speak on pay-to-play political contribution disclosure requirements during a panel discussion titled “Reform Strikes Back? Campaign Finance and Disclosure After Citizens United.”

“Pennsylvania local governments increasingly require their contractors to disclose their political contributions to show they hired the right business for the job, not a political supporter,” said Ford. “Businesses need to be careful to follow the rules so they can continue to do good work for local governments and not jeopardize their contracts.”

The panel will focus on the changing landscape for campaign finance and political spending after the U.S. Supreme Court’s seminal decision in Citizens United. Panelists will review the current state of the law and campaign finance reform efforts, including efforts to regulate coordination and redboxing by the Philadelphia Board of Ethics.

In addition to founding Dilworth’s Political and Election Law Practice Group, Ford serves as Chair of Dilworth Paxson’s Election Law Committee, which is responsible for the firm’s political compliance, including its political contribution policy. He counsels clients through high-stakes, sensitive disputes, often involving political or public relations components. He practices regularly in the Pennsylvania Supreme and Commonwealth Courts, not only on appeal but also in King’s Bench and mandamus proceedings on matters of public importance from election administration to the opioid epidemic. He is a leading political law attorney in Pennsylvania, helping businesses, government bodies, elected officials, candidates, and political committees accomplish their goals. Outside Dilworth, Tim is an Adjunct Law Professor teaching Election Law at the Temple University Beasley School of Law.

Ford’s co-panelists include Saurav Ghosh, Director, Campaign Finance Reform, Campaign Legal Center, Washington, DC; J. Andrew Crompton, Member, McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC and former Judge of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA; and Jordana Greenwald, General Counsel, Philadelphia Board of Ethics, Philadelphia, PA.

Learn more about Election Law Update 2024.